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Prose Poetry 1.0

This isn't my usual writing style, but my creative writing class is bitchin', so I'm treading into other writing styles/techniques. This poem... now.. I don't know how I feel about any of the writing I'm doing for this class... but it's supposed to take a very specific form following Jamaica Kincaid's poem Girl. While these exercises are relegated to a specific style and not necessarily one that I desire to pursue, I find it incredibly helpful with my more "focused" writing, and to loosen up my stiff, worded muscles.

Holding the Gait of ECU

Focus; Shut up; Speak up; Shut up; Listen; Listen; I said Listen (I don’t really care if you listen); Write that down; Stop writing that, use your own words; Pardon me?- This is your transcript, not a receipt; What do you mean ‘huh’? It in no way looks like a receipt; Well, we don’t find that to be humorous here, at Emily Carr University; We’re not a business, we’re an institution that has business; What do you mean, where do we keep our business? Priv-, well, public, you see- Don’t ask questions!; Shut up; Listen; Listen; I said Listen (I care if you listen); Stop writing and listen to my ego, I mean info; You need to be critically engaged; Always ask questions; Push outer and internal limits; Be publicly engaged, NOT PUBICALLY ENGAGED; Put your clothes back on; Put them- I said put them on; Well... now that you’re dressed… maybe tak--; Sometimes you can wear your clothes and sometimes you can’t; You’re just a student and not allowed to be privy as to why; Always ask questions that are permitted; Research Carolee Schneemann's canonical work, Interior Scroll; I will not support you if you take your clothes off, but don’t forget to go to life drawing today at noon; Oh, don’t forget that the author is dead and that no one is original; And don’t forget that finding your own, unique voice is imperative to success; Shut up; Speak up; Shut up; These are the hallways where you walk, and you (get to) walk them finely.

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