Good/Bad PR?

Good/Bad PR ?
Mixed media, 2014
The nude body is an intrinsic component to art school pedagogy. Also fundamental within these pedagogies is a push for more socially engaged art and artists.
As a student at Emily Carr University, support from the school has been problematic due to the nudity within my artwork. Following my performance piece Foreign Bodies/Tits Uncensored, the school would not post to their website the clip of the CBC coverage I had received. Their reasoning was due to concerns of the institution receiving possible negative PR.
Re-creating my student locker using ‘bare’ materials, I locked myself in it, outside of Emily Carr University for ninety minutes during the annual Foundation Student exhibition. This sculpture/performance art exists as a poignant response to the limitations of an educational art institution, and forces the people who participate with that institutional ‘body’ to reconsider itself.

Photos by: Chad Johnson